The Complete Guide to Travel Deep and How It Can Change The Way You Travel Forever

If you have tried fast-paced tours, returned home completely exhausted, and lost all mojo to travel, this guide will help you change how you travel.

I remember travelling on a Classic Europe Tour, which promised to cover 12 countries within two weeks. My excitement about being in Europe was high, soon realized that it only ended up being a tick-box tour. It was about travelling  300-400 km or 5-6 Hours of coach travel every day to see two or three things promised in the brochure and hence tick it off the list. Two weeks later, I returned home totally exhausted. On my return, I realized that my memories of being at a place or visiting a site had faded. I barely remembered what I mainly saw through the lens of my camera.

Most of the times people are happy to take the time off work so that they return home rejuvenated and plenty of interesting stories to share with the near and dear ones but here I returned home with travel stories that were filled with misery of  very early wake up calls | Constant check In – Check outs from the Hotels & Cities, and visit sight of interest mostly having to choose between either to click a decent picture or miss it for a quick washroom break.

When I returned back home this feeling of travel not done right stayed, over years I saw many people travelling the same way I did and could feel the pain when they often complained about what I had already experienced. Over time I did realise that there are those who love to travel on such tours as it’s a quick tick off their bucket list of destinations to cover but there are many who like me think we are not competing against the world to win a race of who visited maximum countries.

Spending one day in a country or a city just to cross it off your list isn’t an experience. It’s insanity. Travel Wide is a type of travel, where we travel several countries or cities within that limited time span but without capturing any real essence of that place. Since I did not enjoy travel wide, exploring the other kind of travel was to Travel Deep.

So what does it mean to travel deep and how can it help you transform?

Travelling deep is an alternative to travel, an enriching experience through which you learn about different cultures. It's about interactions with people and understanding their way of life. Travel to get immersed and soak in as much as to bring a part of it along with us. It's about looking at something beyond the camera lens. 

Extension of travel deep is transformative travel through which we go all the way in pursuit of something specific that helps us gain a new perspective and bring a definitive change.

Transformational Travel Council defines this as "Intentionally travelling to stretch, learn and grow into new ways of being and engaging with the world."

How to travel deep?

The most important point while planning this travel is to make it as personalized, authentic, and intentional for yourself as much as possible.

Start by choosing the destination for what it offers you, not because it is trending and all your friends have been there.

Stay Longer :

Avoid those rush overnight stays, which gives you no time to explore between late check-ins and early check-outs. Plan a stay for a minimum of 3 Nights in a smaller town and a more prolonged stay in bigger cities.

It means not being content with eating the best croissant in Paris but having stayed long enough to learn the art of baking a classic French croissant from the Viennoiserie expert, a perfect 55-layered croissant. You now know that fewer layers will mean a different texture, making it chewier, and more layers will mean the butter will get too thin to make it flakier.

Be with Locals :

The best way to travel deep is with a local. They know the best places and can show you what makes that place unique. So, if you want to go on an adventure, find someone who knows their way around the area and explore with them. Take a guided tour(conducted by Locals) to see their city through their eyes. Those fantastic conversations on the way about our different worlds are, in some form leading to the globalization of culture.

Experience Vs Sightseeing :

It's always answering this question - am I viewing or doing? Engaging in "doing" makes it to be a more immersive way to see the place. E.g. choice to see city sights on a guided bus tour ( Viewing) or a guided Segway tour of the city ( Doing); which do you think you would enjoy more and make it up for more exciting stories?

Visit Farmer's Market :

See what's grown locally and sample some of an area's best treats. Talk to the vendors, ask questions, ditch restaurant eating, and enjoy a farm-to-table experience.

Explore your Interest :  

Traveling deep doesn't mean checking in and doing nothing. Give direction to your wanderings and deepen your appreciation of your surroundings. Explore your interest through specialized tours like culinary, literature, art, architecture, and more. 

Imagine eating pasta in Rome in a restaurant or learning to make pasta and sauce in Nona's kitchen using a recipe handed down over generations, then staying for dinner with the family in Rome; which do you think will be more immersive?

Not everything has to be pre-planned :

Allocate Free Time ( Preferably towards the start or end of the itinerary) which means there is nothing pre-booked. You step out of your Hotel /Apartment and do something completely unplanned. It will turn out to be the most liberating experience and most memorable one too.

6 Transformative Benefits of Traveling Deep :

Travelling deep has numerous positive benefits for an individual, the essential being that they are long-lasting and permanent. They don't just disappear when we return from our trip; they stay with us forever and positively influence our life – even if we don't realize it at first.

1.    Build Confidence :

We are in new surroundings, meeting new people, and navigating unfamiliar cultures are seen as opportunities to build self-confidence. Sometimes, navigating through a different culture and surroundings may be challenging; however, once we do, we accomplish something. The excitement and eagerness to learn and accomplish are what boost our self-confidence. It also opens up our minds and exposes us to new ways of thinking and perspectives. It can make us more accepting of others and make us less judgmental. All of this helps us gain a stronger and more confident self-image

2.   Build a Strong Self-Identity :

 When we travel, we see and experience how other people live and what they believe. Through different values and cultures, we either appreciate what we have or question our beliefs. We start to form a stronger identity and self-image based on what we choose for ourselves.

3.   Increase Our Vocabulary and Communication Skills :

It may seem like an odd benefit of travelling, but it's true. When we are in a new place, our brains are stimulated and try to make sense of our new surroundings. One of the ways we do this is by learning new words and terms that help us understand our surroundings. 

Another way is trying to communicate through broken sentences or sign language. Have you experienced the immense joy of successfully communicating through your signs and gestures? 

Ditch Google Translate next time but try old-school communication, and you will see the power of authentic communication, which is not dependent on words.

4.   Build New Relationships :

We often get caught up in the little bubble of life back home and never really pay attention outside our routine. Outside of this routine lies the opportunity of making new friends or even spending quality time with your loved one and making up for all that you lost while in that bubble.

5.   Find Your Calling in Life :

It may sound like a vague statement, but it's true. When you are out of your comfort zone and out of your routine life, exploring the unexplored remains possible. Intentionally immerse into what gives you joy and contemplate a little more to find your life's calling while at it.

6.   Defy your Depression and Anxiety :

Immersive Travel experiences coerce mindfulness, distract us from our problems at home, and help us take our minds off them. It is also an opportunity to have meaningful conversations and change our perspective on how we are living and handling our problems.


Finding Personal Fulfillment Through Meaningful Travel